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Level Up Program Application

Part A

First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Zip Code:
Cell Phone:
Alternate Phone:
Email Address:
How did you hear about us?:
Marital Status:
Are you a Veteran?:
Are you a U.S. Citizen?:
Are you or any relative an employee of Center for Transforming Lives?:
Are you interested in Level Up Career Readiness/Self-Employment services because COVID-19 has impacted you financially?:
Are you at risk of losing your housing for one or more of the following financial reasons? Check all that apply:

Part B

Do you currently have a business, or a business idea? (Check statement that best apply.):
If other, please explain:
Please provide a short business (or business idea) description
Products or services:
Strengths in business:
Weaknesses in business:
Future goals in business:
Is there any additional relevant information that you would like to share?:

*A one page summary can be typed and attached to your application if more space is needed. One page limit for Part B.

Part C

What are three things you would like to get from this program?:
Why should you be selected for the Level Up Program?:

Part D

Participants are considered for the Microenterprise Program based on the following criteria:
  • Arlington, TX and Fort Worth, TX residents
  • At least 18 years old
  • Attendance of at least one Info Session and submission of application and resume by the deadline,_______________.
Commitment to start or continue building a business by completing program requirements to:
Write a strong business plan
  • Receive individual financial coaching
  • Receive one-on-one business mentorship
  • Participate in business learning labs
  • Create legal structure for business
  • Open business checking account
  • Note: No previous business education or entrepreneurial experience required.
Please submit the following documents: